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Interviewing From Home - How to Have a Successful Online Interview

Since the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a stop, in-person interviews have become much less frequent. Instead, people have turned to tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and GoToMeeting to conduct these interviews, requiring us to reevaluate what is needed to be successful in the interview process. Remember, interviewing is a skill. Here are our tips to make your best impression and showcase your value to the interviewer in an online setting.

  1. Practice is key. Interviewing digitally feels different than interviewing in person. Practicing interview questions on zoom, similar platforms, or even with friends and family will help you feel more comfortable with the process when you are actually on the call. Be ready and aware of how being unable to gesture or draw something out might affect your ability to convey your answer to your interviewer easily.

  2. Prepare for technical difficulties. Double-check that your volume and microphone are on, your camera is working, and your WiFi is connected. Ensure you have downloaded the correct software and tested your ability to enter a meeting. Make sure you have a backup plan if you are unable to connect. Always log-in to the meeting a few minutes early.

  3. Create a professional space to the best of your ability.  Choose a space that is well-lit, quiet, uncluttered, and free from disruptions. Try to eliminate distracting decor in the background so that your interviewer can focus on you and not what the poster on the wall behind you says! Make sure you are dressed professionally. Dress as if you would be going to the interview in person. Just because you are at home does not mean a t-shirt and unbrushed hair are appropriate attire for a professional meeting.

  4. Do your best with what you have. Interviewers understand there are limitations to home-based interviews. Don't stress too much if your dog barks in the background or a child comes in unannounced. But, do your best to eliminate these interruptions before they occur. 

  5. Be familiar with the kinds of questions that are asked during digital interviews. Being familiar with the kinds of questions the interviewer may ask, and the company's background will help you anticipate possible questions. Check out for example interview questions by role.

  6. Ask questions.  At the end of the interview, the interviewer will typically ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" Use this as an opportunity to get answers to any lingering questions you may have. Additionally, asking questions about their experience is a great way to build a personal connection with your interviewer.

  7. Always follow up. Remember to send a follow-up thank-you email to your interviewer. Try to include a specific detail from the interview to leave a great lasting impression. If you don't have your interviewer's contact information, try reaching out to your recruiter to ask if they can pass it along. 

This switch from face-to-face to online interviews has fundamentally changed the interview process. Prepare for this change to the best of your ability so you can feel confident and prepared to go into your next on-line interview!

For more tips, Check out this video from Forbes Senior Contributor Kathy Caprino. 


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